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Fieldnote_Apr 19 2023_Naluwan_Sherily

This week's communication was very diverse. Originally, we were supposed to scan photos, but our group of grandmas forgot to bring them, so we spent the entire conversation.

Fieldnote_Mar 29 2023 _ Naluwan_Sherily

We spent this week's class with the older generation of Cultural Health Station. As soon as we entered the classroom, we danced and exercised with the elderly.

Fieldnote Apr 9 2023 - 9:59am

這週的課,我們是和老一輩文化衛生站一起度過的。一進教室,我們就和老人一起跳舞、鍛煉身體。之後,我們按照小組名單與我們的部落家庭會面。今天,我們主要會見了家裡開雜貨店的溫奶奶。在開始與部落居民互動之前,Scott 分享了他之前與土著朋友錄製的幾段傳統音樂錄音,並提醒我們與部落成員聊聊音樂相關的內容。

Health risk posed by airborne chemical release


It was reported, that one worker at the industrial park was suffering from eye irritation, following the release of hydrogen chloride. He had to be treated at the outpatient clinic of the industrial parks' Occupational Health Center, and could go home afterwards. There is no further information of long-term effects the worker might have suffered from to be found on the internet, according to my search. However, eye irritation induced by chemical exposure can lead to effects such as increased eye pressure and a following reduction of vision, as well as chronic pain.

I am wondering, how this worker got hurt, as this was not reported in the article. Usually, workers need to wear proper protective equipment in areas in which one risks exosure to airborne chemicals that can cause corrosion, including protective goggles. As can be read in a follow-up article (…), a pipeline malfunction had been found as the reason for the release, possibly in an area where no protective equipment is required? I can only speculate on this, but the worker seems not have been informed about the incident.

Missing information seems to be a common theme in this case, in the aforementioned article it is also reported that the smartphone application that is supposed to warn residents about such incidents, released a warning only 50 minutes after the sirenes had been going off. Also it is written in the article, that after the incident the citizen telephone line was busy, such that some callers could not get the information they required, and that many residents are not familiar with the meaning of the different signals released by the warning sirene. In case this or similar incidents happen in the future, they therefore pose a grave health risk to the surrounding population.