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The article directly address EMS and fire and the financial struggles that the industry is currently facing due to the manipulation of resources that are needed. The inability to afford proper equipment is directly affecting patient care, which is a huge issue in EMS. The article points to wall street as the cause of this issue.



As discussed before, the first respodners and doctors had to deal with hundreds of life or death decisions, and the emotional trauma that is involved, through treating the victims of the disaster. Afterward many of these people not only had to see patients pass, but also had friends or family that perished in the disaster.



This study looks at the connection between structural violence (social arrangements that put individuals and populations in harms way) to the spread of HIV/AIDs in America and abroad. Instead of looking at HIV/AIDs as a disease that is spread due to an individual’s lifestyle and decisions, it approaches the disease as something that aggregates disproportionately in impoverished communities. This same methodology is applied to the prevalence of pediatric aids in Rwanda, looking at which mothers have access to the appropriate healthcare equipment and why.