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The data presented is from governmental texts, but we do not have a bibliography to assess. However, from the references and quotations made within the chapter, I can deduce that Fassin did a lot of research using extensive resources to gather information for this chapter. 


Alexi Martin

The author us Mirim Ticktin, she is an associate professor of anthropology at Stanford University. Her research focuses on what it means to make poltical claims in the name of a universal humanity. She is professionally situated in respect to emergency response because she researches humanity and how to treat those who experience violence, specifically sexual violence in terms of gender.



I was able to find that this article was cited in 51 other publications or papers. While many of the publications also discuss the shortcomings of disaster response in Katrina, others citation examples include studies involving anthropology, aging, or security issue. This article also is used as a way to highlight Katrina and how to prepare for future disasters. 


Alexi Martin


The article referenced historical events of health epidemics in preparing for the future. The lack of current data indicates an improvement in health security or a lack of research for this publication. The extensive quotes in this article show the knowledge and credibility of the article in how securing global health has many aspects.



Alexi Martin

Emergency response is not mentioned in the article, it is briefly mentioned on how each of the disasters were handled, however the article mainly focuses on the aftermath. What had caused these disasters? And what could have been done in the future to prevent them?



Through her field work, the author is able to create a concise argument by using interviews and anecdotes by those affected by the disaster in Chernobyl. She also highlights aspects of the disaster itself, highlight pre, peri, and post events that had an impact on the area and populations exposed. She also provides some data regarding an increase in clinical registration of illnesses that have occurred under the title "symptoms and other indequately known states", that show a sharp increase after the event.