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I used my already existing knowledge of the UN's structure and purpose to further synthesize the role and ability of the UN Special Envoy to Haiti. I also followed up on what sort and amount of aid US AID has been giving to Haiti. From their website, I discovered that they have donated $4.2 billion to date and have assisted in improving legal protections for vulnerable populations. Finally, I followed up on the fact that at press-time, the UN had not admitted responsibility for the cholera outbreak. I found a New York Time article dated 17 AUG 16 that says they had and are making significant new actions toward improving the situation.


Annotation of
  1. With the lack of medical centers, there is a lot of cost to invest into the help to these countries. But the main reason is the occurrence of war and instable activities.

“In 2015, MSF provided humanitarian assistance in 69 countries.

Around 54 per cent of activities were carried out in settings of instability. Some 57 per cent of programs were in Africa…MSF spent 1,283 million euros: 82 per cent was spent on humanitarian activities…” []

2. There is an urgently need of HIV/TB doctors in the field. []

“MSF provided care for 333,900 people living with HIV/AIDS and antiretroviral treatment for 240,100 people in 2015.” With the lack of appropriate medical educations, many people do not know they have infected with HIV. [MSF international_activity_report_2015_en_2nd_ed.pdf]

3. Close of Programs

“When a violent situation has stabilized sufficiently, and access to health services improves, MSF will close its program.”

“When local or national authorities and organizations have the capacity and motivation to restore and develop a medical system that meets the urgent needs of the population, MSF will withdraw.”

“MSF will close a program when a medical emergency ends.”




I looked up how regualtions are formed and put into law after outbreaks of disease to prevent similar outbreaks from happening again. I also looked into how viruses become resistant to drugs and are able to mutate and continue to infect people, even after they have been "controlled". Additionally, I found a list of the safety measures that are recommended for emergency responders based on CDC guidelines.



This organization doesn't get involved with legislation in the regions in which they are operating. They instead focus on providing care to those affected by any number of disasters or calamities. This focus shows that they are more concerned about the immediate well-being of their patients than trying to influcence local governments to make policy changes.



It is published in "Violence & Victims", which is a peer-reviewed journal that analyzes all aspects of interpeersonal violence. The journal features contributions from many fields, from medicine to law to social work.



As mentioned in an earlier annotation, the bibliography shows a great deal of primary and secondary sources as well as other analyses, showing that this article was produced like many other historical research peices - the author uses historical perspective to frame a period in the reader's mind, which allows them to further argue their point.