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Middle German Chemical Triangle

Chemiepark Leuna von Bad Dürrenberg aus gesehen, im Vordergrund die Saalebrücke der Bahnstrecke Leipzig Hbf-Weißenfels

This collection includes case study research and civic archiving about the Middle German Chemical Triangle (or chemical triangle). 



The number of emergency workers lost during 9/11:

343 Fire Fighters -

60 Police Officers

8 EMTs and Paramedics -

EMS Lesson's Learned from 9/11

Changes were made to the mutual aid system. Resources that had, in the event, run out or were needed sooner than they were used are now better stocked and available. Some new trainings were implemented.

More stories from 9/11 by EMS



-Due to recent terror attacks, there has been an insurgence in French xenophobia. Has this changed these policies? What is the current public opinion on the treatment of undocumented foreigner with illness?

-How do other countries manage ill undocumented foreigners? What is the international consensus in first world countries?

-What is the cut-off for illness in the cases discussed? 



The article discusses how many current organizations use a cost-benefit analysis to determine how much effort needs to be put into a response. This goes from vaccination to quarantine. The article also discusses how tuberculosis was fought in post-Soviet Georgia. Finally, it discusses how "biosecurity" will be looked at under a different and more holistic lens. The article didn't make an argument, so it was difficult to find support.



MSF works in environments where there is not a lot of wealth or health-care avaliability. This forces them to implement solutions that are cost-effective and able to be distributed to massive amounts of people having similar problems. Operating in these conditions has allowed them to see that those in the lowest socioeconomic groups are the ones who typically need care the most.