michael.leeThe Cold War was a principal motivating factor for the IPPNW who aims to abolish nuclear weapons and thereby prevent nuclear war and destruction.
The Cold War was a principal motivating factor for the IPPNW who aims to abolish nuclear weapons and thereby prevent nuclear war and destruction.
This article has been cited and referred to in an study published in the Journal of Radiological Protection. It is entitled 'Chernobyl and Fukushima-where are we now?' Written by Richard Wakeford.
This paper is also referenced by 9 other papers and is published in numerous oncology related journals.
This article discusses the Chernobyl disaster and the management and cooperation that followed this disaster. Technologies at play, as well as government involvement, scientific knowledge and sociopolitical factors effecting this situation post disaster are also mentioned. The author also extensively reviews Chernobyl through field research based off resettled families and radiation exposed workers. The dependence of health and illness based off economics and politics is also heavily discussed. International scientific cooperation is also discussed in terms of studies done on those exposed after the disaster.
The authors present the issues surrounding increasing violence against healthcare professionals, especially in regions where the geopolitical or socioeconomic conditions have created environments with lack of security. One major issue cited is the lack of ongoing research into these issues.
The Compassion Protocol discusses current French laws and how they affect immigration and healthcare. In France, immigrants in need of healthcare that are unable to receive that healthcare in their native country would be given temporary residence permits and access to healthcare. The social factors, public health concerns, and human rights implications are discussed as well.
American Red Cross doesn't claim to have or offer new or unique techniques to attending to disaster. Yet in my opinion, The American Red Cross is one of the greatest organizations in terms of disaster response and it is truly made up of people who want to help others. We are lucky to have such a large scale magnitude of volunteers gathered through one organization to answer to both small needs in their community, be it a blood drive or house fire, to large disaster relief efforts after Katrina or 9/11. The American Red Cross has single handedly offered aid to so many families in America and saved more lives than any other single independent organization run by a majority of volunteers. The American Red Cross offers a wide range of coverage in terms of disaster types they respond to and frequency, so in my opinion, they are a very, very unique organization and offer something that I have not seen any other organization offer the way they do.
There is a lot of controversy behind the effects that Chernobyl had on the surrounding areas. There have been accusations of officials trying to cover it up, as well as completely denying that there were any repercussions that are current and apparent today. This report shows that there is no question about it, there is nuclear fallout as a result of the Chernobyl disaster. This will not only hold government officials and those in charge accountable, but also make the public aware of their risks and what they have been exposed to and what measures they should be taking to protect themselves and reverse and aid any effects or issues that may have occurred due to the disaster. This report exposes the real detriment that the disaster had on society and makes the public aware, allowing them to better fend for and protect themselves and also to make scientists more accountable as well as the government on ways to fix and counteract the issues that have risen due to the disaster.
The authors all work at University of California San Francisco. Their names are Vicanne Adams, Taslim Van Hattum, and Diana English. Adams works at USCF and was the former director and vice-chair in the department of anthropology, history, and social medicine. She focuses her research in Global Health, Asian Medical Systems, Social Theory, Critical Medical Anthropology, Sexuality and Gender, Safe Motherhood, Disaster Recovery, Tibet, Nepal, China and the US. She has been involved in various publications and has received numerous grants from the NIH. Van Hattum and English are also within the department for Anthropology, History, and Social Medicine.
I think that adding more evidentiary support such as data analysis r statistics would have enhanced this video's educational value. It would have shown the physical evidence and the magnitude of the disaster. I also believe that citing more government officials and getting statements from more hospital workers, doctors and first responders would have given this film a more well rounded and accurate depiction of all sides of the outbreak.