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A coalition of churches, synagogues, mosques, and cultural organizations located in the Inland Empire. Unfortunately, without any up-to-date number of members in this coalition.

For the org. there is a spiritual connection linking the desert landscapes and religious beliefs. Their primary focus is congregating more groups around environmental hazards in desert lands.



The organization is looking for a “new dimension and depth” in the discussion about the environmental crisis. Engaging in different fields:

  • alternative energy development,
  • mining, recreation,
  • military exercises,
  • transportation corridors
  • proposed national monuments.



The authors used the healthcare developments of Boston, Haiti, and Rwanda where they have worked to provide access to healthcare. In Rwanda they provided easier access to HIV medications and trained neighbors or relatives of the patient on how to administer the treatments so they would not have to go to a clinic. They discussed a similar program that occurred in Haiti but for tuberculosis. In providing these treatments to people who previously could not afford them, they increased their life expectancies. In Rwanda they showed that in providing formula to mother with HIV or AIDs they were no longer transmitting the disease to their children. Previously the mothers could not purchase formula and the only way they could feed their babies was breast feeding.