Opinion: "I’m a Doctor at the ‘Epicenter of the Epicenter’"
Dr. Ben McVane writes about working in Elmhurst during COVID.
Intersex Justice
Materials for the Intersex Justice week in the Health, Human Rights, and Advocacy course run by the Mount Sinai Human Rights and Social Justice Program
The Irrelevance of Data to the Ethics of Intersex Surgery
For HRSJ week on intersex justice.
Male Sexual Abuse Statistics
Data supplied by 1in6
Common Reactions to Sexual Assault
Document from Mount Sinai SAVI Program.
Medical Care in Palestine
Part of the HRSJ Nexus class session on MSF in Palestine
Disability Justice
Materials for the Disability Justice week in the Health, Human Rights, and Advocacy course run by the Mount Sinai Human Rights and Social Justice Program
Article: "Estimated Prevalence of US Physicians With Disabilities"
[For HRSJ Nexus Students]
Consider the factors that keep disabled people out of medicine and how this might reproduce ableist constructions of patients and pathology.
Article: "Six Ways of Looking at Crip Time" Ellen Samuels
For HRSJ Nexus course week on disability activism.
Consider the ways medicine, and medical education, insist upon linear time.
Ben McVane's article on PTSD among asylum seekers