Cabot Oil & Gas (COG)
financial analysis of Cabot Oil and Gas.
With the concept of border, migration, and identity in mind, the defeinition of "Home" become a major concern for the tribal members that had moved all the way from the eastern Taiwan to Hsin

Equity in Medicine

Materials for the Equity in Medicine week in the Health, Human Rights, and Advocacy course run by the Mount Sinai Human Rights and Social Justice Program
Carceral Health

HRSJ week on carceral health
Refugee Health

Materials for the Refugee Health week in the Health, Human Rights, and Advocacy course run by the Mount Sinai Human Rights and Social Justice Program
Article: "PTSD in asylum-seekers: Manifestations and relevance to the asylum process"
Ben McVane's article on PTSD among asylum seekers
Financial data on Chesapeak Energy.