Radioactive Performances: Teaching about Radiation after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and its release of radioac- tive contamination, the Japanese state put into motion risk communica- tion strategies to explain the danger of radiation e
Copyright Basics
Website with an excellent (and brief) explanation of fair use to copyrighted materials, along with a useful fair-use checklist that can be used to assist in fair-use analysis.
Campus Copyright: Rights and Responsibilities
This policy guide explains the basics of American copyright law as it concerns universities, scholars, and scholarly publishers.
Zackery.WhiteVincanne Adams - Former director of Medical Anthropology with UC Berkeley.
Diana English - Assistant Professor at Stanford Hospital and Clinics.
Taslim van Hattum - Director of Behavioral Health Integration for the Louisiana Public Health Institute. Research focuses on public health.
Zackery.WhiteThis article is referenced in approximately 40 peer reviewed papers, mostly focusing on the psychological effects of post-disaster mental health.
Zackery.WhiteThe article's main argument is that by depoliticizing sexual violence, the ability for sexual violence victims to receive humanitarian aid is drastically reduced.
Zackery.WhitePoeple can post photos or photosets. People can comment and like the posts.
Zackery.WhiteSchmid’s main argument is that in order to create an effective international nuclear emergency response team one must take the opinions of the “lay community” not only the opinions of the scientific elites. This increase in diversified opinions will allow for not only a better prevention method, but for more of a better response to disaster.
In the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, citizen scientists collectively tracked and monitored residual radioactivity in Japan, legitimizing alternative views to an official assessm