Ecuador Acidification
This PECE essay details the quotidian anthropocene in Ecuador utilizing the Questioning Quotidian Anthropocenes analytic developed for the Open Seminar River School.
maryclare.crochiereI looked up how regualtions are formed and put into law after outbreaks of disease to prevent similar outbreaks from happening again. I also looked into how viruses become resistant to drugs and are able to mutate and continue to infect people, even after they have been "controlled". Additionally, I found a list of the safety measures that are recommended for emergency responders based on CDC guidelines.
josh.correiraThe “PIH Model of Care,” research in Rwanda, and work in Haiti were followed up on
maryclare.crochiereI looked into the wide varitey of illnesses that stemmed from the cleanup. I also investigated where the hazards came from - the get fuel, the burning chemicals and computer parts and building materials.
josh.correiraThe plan does not appear to address any specific population but the public in general.
maryclare.crochiereIt is published in "Violence & Victims", which is a peer-reviewed journal that analyzes all aspects of interpeersonal violence. The journal features contributions from many fields, from medicine to law to social work.
josh.correiraThe IHS mainly focuses on disaster prevention and preparedness with initiatives such as teaching children about illness prevention, teaching about safe drinking water and food safety, preventing the spread of disease, and preventing injuries. They also have a number of resources available to their members to connect with healthcare professionals. This seems to be a community awareness type approach that prevents the spread of disease by teaching the community. It resembles that of many healthcare systems and does not seem to suggest problems with other approaches.
maryclare.crochiereThe arguments are supported by many citations of other research and work that has been done on the various topics that are discussed. This involves looking at hard data that has been conclused, as well as qualitative data like risk factors and examples of disasters.