Online Conference, April 2021: COVID-19 As Revelatory Pandemic in Latin America?
Digital collection for onliine conference, "A Revelatory Pandemic?
BarriosR & Garcia-AcostaV COVID-19 as Revelatory Pandemic Conference Program
Conference program:
A Revelatory Pandemic? Disaster Social Science and COVID 19 in Latin America
April 20 and 27, 2021
T-STS COVID-19 Project Research Updates
For regular updates from the Transnational STS COVID-19 Project working groups.
COVID-19 as Disaster
Photo essay curating insights from critical disaster studies for the transnational disaster STS COVID-19 project.
COVID, Disaster, Guatamala
Cover image for text on COVID and disaster.
Louisiana Environmental Action Network and the community members of Reserve LA/St John the Baptist Parish
A digital collection of material for field activities with LEAN and the community members of Reserve LA/St John the Baptist Parish.