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john.hudakAnnotation of
The main point of the article is that a big name organization (The EPA) is taking steps to help the residents of Newark and the Ironbound Community monitor air pollution. Not only is the EPA donating $150,000 worth of equipment, but they are also training volunteers to monitor and mantain the machines so the EPA and the Ironbound Community can gather the information they need. The machines can also be moved around so multiple locations can be sampled and tested.
Air Pollution Presentation
The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.
Newark Air Pollution
PECE Essay for Witty Rhinos
Manganese Pollution in the City Environment and its Relationship to Traffic Density
Due to the substitution of manganese instead of lead as a gasoline additive, soil samples around high density traffic areas in Newark have absorbed the manganese from the exhaust gasses of automobiles
Newark to monitor air quality with $150K EPA sensors
This artifact shows that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking steps to helping the Ironbound Community Corporation Family Success Center monitor air pollution levels with the donation o
Transitional Bunun slate stone house, it is indoor construction and discrip Bunun house setting and culture.