Conflictual Collaboration: Citizen Science and the Governance of Radioactive Contamination after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
In the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, citizen scientists collectively tracked and monitored residual radioactivity in Japan, legitimizing alternative views to an official assessm
Radioactive Performances: Teaching about Radiation after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and its release of radioac- tive contamination, the Japanese state put into motion risk communica- tion strategies to explain the danger of radiation e
Return to Chemical Valley 2019
This report is an update to Ecojustice's 2007 Report: Exposing Canada's Chemical Valley that looked at the air pollutants emitted by the petrochemical industrial complex called Chemical Valley in S
What's Left For Chemical Valley
Named “the most polluted air in Canada” in 2011 by the World Health Organization (The Chemical Valley, 2013) and

Exposing Canada’s Chemical Valley
Report by Ecojustice in 2007 that details the status of Chemical Valley and the corresponding air pollution impacting neighboring communities.
Canada's Toxic Chemical Valley (Full Length)
Short video documentary of Chemical Valley in Sarnia, Ontario Canada by VICE.
Chemical Valley Stakeholder Actions
Advocacy Action

The Pollution Reporter app in an example of a civic data resource for the Chemical Valley (Sarnia, CA) case study (Group #3).