EIj Case Study Framework
The Framwork
A trash can for late capitalism
Germany is a world leader in wealth inequality. In few other countries do the rich posess such a large part of the total wealth.
Necessary data and research
In respect to toxic legacies and current pollution, Independent measurements of air and water quality are needed, especially of contaminated landfill sites.
The gentle hand of the state
The chemical industry would need to more tightly controlled by a stronger legal framework in Germany.
Dismantling postindustrial ruins
In some cases (mainly around Bitterfeld), the removal of larger areas of contaminated soil and water would held to stop the influx of toxic substances.
Local news coverage cautiously optimistic
There has been constant coverage on problems of toxicity by local media, yet relatively little interest by larger, country-wide media.
Containment efforts prevent the worst
Remediation efforts of contaminated sites are in progress, but due to the extent of the contamination are often only containment processes rather than clean-ups.
Corporate alliances and citizen protest
While small citzen NGO's protest the conversion of former mining sites to toxic waste disposal sites, corporations and state agencies have formed an "Environmental alliance" to promote environmenta
Tab. 62: Wasserqualität im Verhältnis zur Höhe der GFS-Überschreitung, Farbgebung für die Rasterzellen