Lead Pollution Data and Advocacy Resources (Santa Ana, California)
A collection of lead pollution data and advocacy resources for Santa Ana, California.
A collection of lead pollution data and advocacy resources for Santa Ana, California.
testing out building a project
Maya is a science organizer with the Orange County Environmental Justice non-profit organization that focuses on low-income communities in the county that are exposed to pollutants more tha
At the end of the film, the need of more medical centers are suggested as in some of the countries there is no medical center to serve a whole country. Due to the lack of medical center, medical operation cannot be hold long in the area with the overwhelming populations. By sending short-term temporary medical service from foreign countries would not solve the problem at once, as the populations would get some kind of disease overtime. By building more medical centers, medical supplies would maintain in a constant rate so the emergency responders do not have to make decisions based on the supplies left.
User data are translated into patient’s profiles, session history and tracked progress.
The event called in this report is the Fukushima nuclear accident – 2011 great East‐Japan earthquake and tsunami. It focuses on the effects of the radiation hazards to a wide range of populations, which includes the analyse on human health/risks and the surrounding environments (ecosystems).
the rice irrigation scheme, Pare Valley, Tanzania