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Slow Disaster (Asthma)

This indicator represents an asthma rate. It is an estimate of the number of emergency department visits for asthma per 10,000 people over the years 2015 to 2017.




While this app is tailored for emergency situations, I would find it hard to believe that a physician who is in an emergency situation regarding radiological or nuclear danger would pull out their iPhone or Android to quickly find the proper dosage or way to triage patients. Although this app does suggest review before an emergency and print-outs from their website that can be kept with a physician in this type of situation, I do think it would be difficult for a physician to use their cell phone in this case. This app also works without data or wifi, which is good. But I feel that a physician might not want to take out their phones in an emergency situation, especially if it's because of nuclear spills or something to that nature that can ruin and contaminate their phones (and PPE).