Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
[put a description of your project here!]
[put a description of your project here!]
A coalition of churches, synagogues, mosques, and cultural organizations located in the Inland Empire. Unfortunately, without any up-to-date number of members in this coalition.
For the org. there is a spiritual connection linking the desert landscapes and religious beliefs. Their primary focus is congregating more groups around environmental hazards in desert lands.
The organization is looking for a “new dimension and depth” in the discussion about the environmental crisis. Engaging in different fields:
Desert Stewardship Project is an interfaith coalition dedicated to protecting the deserts of California.
To educate the pbulic so that we may respond to the next storm disaster better, and to spread the story of the survivors to better understand their difficulties and the emotional impact of the storm.
They used other studies done, interviews they conducted, and greater research on the storms to form their arguement for seperate mental health disorder due to the traumatic events of disasters.
This is a calfornia department of health document, therefore it appears to apply specifically to that states definition of an IMD.
This is a Liability policy related to First Responders' that aims to enable first responders to aid peoples during the effects of a biological or chemical hazard without delay by allowing for first responders to ignore potential contamination spread in order to prevent loss of life. Once the situation is stabalized the previous protocols become active again in order to protect the environment and community.
In this article emergency response was looked at in a very broad way, with planning for having teams, organization, and training. Logistics weren't fleshed out, but the call for a team was there. It was also potentially difficult due to internationalization of the team.