Testproject DM
Welcome to Daniel's testproject
Welcome to Daniel's testproject
Following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and its release of radioac- tive contamination, the Japanese state put into motion risk communica- tion strategies to explain the danger of radiation e
They generally work in the lowest socio-economic groups, which tend to be the most in need for medicial aid.
Not much, to be honest. I was disappointed they didn't mention fire fighters much in it though.
This chapter was produce by following the issue of illness of undocumented citizens over the course of several decades, and examining the relationship between how they are treated and social and economic changes. It is linked into changes in policy, memorandums and individual opinions.
The stories had video with both the storytellers and pictures from them. It also includes videos of the storm and it's effects upon the communities.
In the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, citizen scientists collectively tracked and monitored residual radioactivity in Japan, legitimizing alternative views to an official assessm