Nwoya Environmental Injustice Record
Photo essay, Nwoya District, Uganda
Visualizing Wayanad District, India
Photo essay to introduce viewers to soil health injustice in Wayanad District, Kerala, India
Visualising Pare Cover
the rice irrigation scheme, Pare Valley, Tanzania
Test project Heidi
In the spirit of life long learning
Testproject DM
Welcome to Daniel's testproject
Test project Pesticides and Protection Tanzania
testing out building a project
Alexi MartinThe policy was drafted by senator Bob Hernadez and Carolyn Maloney as well as 9.11 victims and survivors and for Mr. Zadragra whose death is considered the 'first' death as a direct cause of 9.11. Others who drafted the bill was senators Schuner, with members of Congres Nalder and King and the president of the interantional association of fighter fighters Harold Schittgerer.
Alexi MartinThe aim of this organization is to use medicine and science to record and focus on mass atrocities and human rights violations. The organization was founded on the idea that health care professionals possess skills that pose credibility to those who are persecuted sexually, morally, socially and economically. As health care professionals, they have the opportunity to hold people accountable for their actions. Examples of this include torture, sexual violence, civil unrest- it is their job to protect civilians' basic human rights.
Wayanad District in Kerala District