Case Studies Winter 2024
Case study reports produced by students in UCI Anthro25A, "Environmental Injustice," in Winter 2024.
Case study reports produced by students in UCI Anthro25A, "Environmental Injustice," in Winter 2024.
Slow disaster case study reports produced by students in UCI Anthro25A, "Environmental Injustice," in Fall 2022.
Combo disaster case study reports produced by students in UCI Anthro25A, "Environmental Injustice," in Fall 2022.
A collection of lead pollution data and advocacy resources for Santa Ana, California.
Maya is a science organizer with the Orange County Environmental Justice non-profit organization that focuses on low-income communities in the county that are exposed to pollutants more tha
Byron J. Good, the author of this book is currently a professor of Medical Anthropology at Harvard, with his research focusing on mental health services development in Asian societies, particularly in Indonesia. He has done collaborative work with the International Organization for Migration on developing mental health services in post-tsunami and post-conflict Aceh, Indonesia. More broadly, he works on the theorization of subjectivity in contemporary societies.
Entergy Corporation - Owner of Indian Point Plant, Disaster Accountability Project - Nonprofit disaster response 'auditing' organization, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Steven Peterson - Director of Emergency Management, Ulster County, NY, Dana Smith - Dutchess County comissioner of emergency response
That humanitarian aid struggles to address gender-based violence, such as sexual assault and rape, and even as it has become more addressed and medicalised it has potential to break down in due to the neutral stance taken by foundations such as MSF.