Reading About STS and Cultural Critique
PECE essay to curate readings about STS and cultural critique.
Working on the T-D-STS COVID-19 Project
Instructions for getting started and working on the T-D-STS COVID-19 project.
Trouillot The Anthropology of the State in the Age of Globalization
Reading to contribute to critical thinking about transnationalism and COVID-19.
Mitchell The Limits of the State
Reading to contribute to critical thinking about transnationalism and COVID-19.
Transnational Disaster STS COVID-19 Project Design Group
This text artifact describes the Transnational STS COVID-19 Project Design Group.
Duygu Kasdogan
Duygu KasdoganI live in İzmir, Turkey, and am assistant professor in the Division of Urbanization and Environmental Problems at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at İzmir Katip Çelebi University. I am also part of an STS Research Network in Turkey – IstanbuLab. I can be reached at
I have been involved in the Transnational STS Working Group. I am interested in fostering transnational organizational capacities in response to disasters.
I am especially interested in the following questions:
- How is COVID-19 coordinational capacity in different settings described, evaluated and explained?
- How are governments - in different settings, at different scales - sharing COVID-19 information?
- How is COVID-19 knowledge and expertise moving across national borders?
- How is the aftermath of COVID-19 crisis being imagined in different settings? How is this shaping beliefs, practices, and policies?
tamar.rogoszinski- I first looked up travel to and from Liberia during the Ebola outbreak, since it had been seized. There was a ban, which has since been lifted after, but people coming to and from West Africa are still screened and recommended to visit physicians. As of mid-2015 there wa still a 21 day monitoring period needed.…'
- I was interested if there had been any progress on treatment for Ebola, but found that the main form of treatment is supportive care. Doctors are informed to provide IV fluid and ensure that the patient's immune response and other bodily functions are functioning properly. A vaccine is being worked on but has not gone through a trial to prove safety and effectiveness.
- I looked further into the vaccine being produced for Ebola. Currently, there is a combined phase 2 and phase 3 trial occurring in Sierra Leone called STRIVE (Sierra Leone Trial to Introduce a Vaccine against Ebola). The study is unblinded, so patients know whether or not they have received the vaccine. The vaccine is a rVSV-ZEBOV, or recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Zaire ebolavirus vaccine. This vaccine is also being used in phase 2 and phase 3 trials in Guinea and Liberia
tamar.rogoszinskiThe article's bibliography contains many references including the WHO, the Red Cross, and other organizations, as well as many other experts and professionals in the field.
tamar.rogoszinskiThe federal government funds OSHA.
A collection of commissioned responses from individual scholars and exemplary institutional responses from universities and scholarly societies, published by the Network of Concerned Academics