Test project Pesticides and Protection Tanzania
testing out building a project
How was reported? And what have different stakeholder groups done (or not done) in response to the problems of air pollution in the Ruhr Valley and Delhi?
This is part of the Environmental Inequalities workshop.
Ruhr Valley and Delhi. Megacity Air Pollution in Germany and India
With this case, we discuss lessons from air pollution reduction during Coronavirus induced policies in Germany and India.
Let’s review the data on Ruhr valley and Delhi air more critically
This is part of the Environmental Injustice Workshop.
Learning from clean air during covid lockdowns
This is part of the Environmental Injustice Workshop.
EiJ Case Study: Megacity Air, Ruhr Valley & Delhi, India & Germany
Case Study Cover
What are the themes that are discussed with regard to air pollution on social media?
This is part of the Environmental Inequality workshop.
the rice irrigation scheme, Pare Valley, Tanzania