Zackery.WhiteEMS personel are not direcly outlined in this documentary as it is focused on hospital care not pre-hospital care.
EMS personel are not direcly outlined in this documentary as it is focused on hospital care not pre-hospital care.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) published this report on the “Environmental Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident and their Remediation: Twenty Years of Experience”.
The main argument of the article is “Chronic disaster syndrome” stems from three problems: first the long-term effects of personal trauma, second the disruption of the smooth functioning of their way of life, and third the permanent displacement of depressed populations from the social landscape.
The article is not directly specific regarding the funding source.
This article seek to find out why treatable conditions are untreated or under-treated in third world countries despite the plethora of known treatments. The importance of anthropology is emphasized in solving these types of problems.
Cloud9 relies on its funders: IBM, Capital Factory, Telemental Health Institute, and Health Wildcatters. Telemental Health Institute especially lends to the service.
Tuition from Columbia University
1) Gender violence against humanitarian workers.
2) Gender violence that exists within the humanitarian organizations themselves.
3) How gender violence is interpreted and perceived by different cultures.
The narritive is given a semi action film feeling. The documentary not only follows the events throghout the catastrophe, but also follows the story of a man whom lost a majority of his family from the natural disaster as well. His story acts as a binding agent, giving the story a better flow and emotional connection.
1) Fukushima proved current standard ineffective. Fukushima was the worst nuclear accident since the Chernobyl incident over 25 years ago. Hundreds of thousands of people had to be relocated due to the radiation leaks—many to this day. The effects of the hundreds of thousands of gallons of radiation contaminated water released into the ocean are still not fully known.
2) International groups called for agency to enforce as no current candidate is feasible. IAEA is large enough but not fully trusted to be the host as it promotes nuclear use and appeared to praise TEPCO and the handling of the Fukushima incident. The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) is a better candidate but still faces the problem of appearing as a secretive organization keeping its member companies confidential. WANO also currently lacks the size and resources to build an international nuclear disaster strike team.
3) The author stresses that good communication and cooperation are required for success of such an organization. For a response team to work at the international level, sharing of different countries’ reactor designs and other various trade secrets would be crucial. The expertise from operators, responders, and other professionals who have had hands-on experience from Fukushima and other nuclear disasters. It would take a sizable amount of funding for such an organization and maintain the capabilities as the author described.