Chemical of the Month: Formaldehyde, October 2022
A digital collection for the September 2022 issue of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, focused on formaldehyde.
Chemical of the Month: Formaldehyde
Op-ed for October 2022 edition of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month.
Chemical of the Month: Benzene, September 2022
A digital collection for the September 2022 issue of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, focused on benzene.
Chemical of the Month: Benzene
Op-ed for August 2022 edition of RISE St. James' The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month.
Sara_NesheiwatThe report heavily discuss the effect that the radiation had on the people and environment around the plant. Not only is there a deep scientific analysis of the effects that the radiation had on local areas surrounding the plant, but conclusions as well as recommendations for future research as well as recommendations for countermeasures are also suggested and discussed. Health concerns of those exposed to radiation as well as amounts they were exposed to is discussed and measures those can take to counteract and protect themselves in the future.
Sara_NesheiwatThis article has been cited and referred to in an study published in the Journal of Radiological Protection. It is entitled 'Chernobyl and Fukushima-where are we now?' Written by Richard Wakeford.
This paper is also referenced by 9 other papers and is published in numerous oncology related journals.
Op-ed for August 2022 edition of The Community Scientists: Chemical of the Month, led by RISE St. James.