A photo essay to introduce you to the EATWELL project.
A photo essay to introduce you to the EATWELL project.
In the spirit of life long learning
The article was produced using research that was current to the topic at hand, but at the same time using research that provides why attempts at getting a response team was trying and the attempts made in the past 15+ years, supporting articles to why the argument is correct. The article was produced in response to the lack of preperation at nuclear events.
Technical professionals can make use of this study as a basis of how cultral competnce should be viewed in a healthcare workplace. TO determine the needs of the patients, physicians and higher ups use culture and their expertice to determine a proper patient-physician relationship.
This study has travelled worldwide. It has been cited in other government websites, in other epilogical studies to support why diease spreads after flooding. It is used to support preparation for natural disasters. It has been cited by worldwide health officials in their health journals.
The article addresses emergency response because it involves violence that can occur on an emergency scene, it invovles the safety of EMTS as well as the patient.
The actors that the article refer to is the healthcare workers, those who have experienced this violence. Those who feel that their perogitive to help others (and to do their jobs) is greater than 'offering themselves up' to the people of these tribes who feel that they are doing more harm then good. Another actor is people from the villages who describe what has happened. The discovery of these murdered healthcare workers and their opinions on the Ebola workers- they do not want them near their tribes at all. Outside worldwide coordinators also comment on the tradegies of the death and the affects it has on the treatment of Ebola. The Red Cross is also an actor, their workers were afraid/chased by locals due to wearing "Ebola gear".
I found hearing the patients' stories and the doctor's effort to help others even though there was no resources to be most persuasive and compelling because despite the fact that both patient and doctor knew that long term care was slim they both tried to have hope in treatment, the patient's prayed for recovery, while the doctors pulled strings to get patients who really needed the care or the shelter to be a priority. I found it inspiring that even in a messed up system both parties tried to make the best of the situation.
The policy applies to victims, first responders (fire,police and EMS) that are/were directly affected by the events of 9/11.
Bhutan, Haa district