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Handicap International brings aid to places dealing with the aftermath of natural disasters. In this case the Rehabilitiation Technicians pogram was created in response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, during which thousands of Hatians needed orthopedic rehabilitation or prosthetics and there was a significant shortange of specialized medical professionals. The program was created to respond to the need for rehabilitation professionals to deal with the immediate aftermath of the earthquake and the continuing care of those permanently disabled.



This article has been referenced extensively by articles dealing with both medicine and related policies as well as the nuclear sciences and politics. Some such articles include, “Glioblastoma in a former Chernobyl resident” and “The pharmaceuticalisation of security: Molecular biomedicine, antiviral stockpiles, and global health security”.



This study has been cited in several other articles and studies that look at disaster and intimate partner violence. Some focus on specific areas such as costal regions, others bring in other factors such as depression.



In the case of this study, the vulnerable population examined was healthcare workers in Sierra Leone during the outbreak. These workers were found to be at a significant level of risk for transmission for a number of reasons. These include proximity to the virus (due to the occupation), lack of training in the area of infection control, and cultural factors (such as prevalence of self-medication and home management of illness). Nurses as a whole were most affected, with over half of the infected members. 



Several historical examples are used including the burning of the US Capital in 1814, the Hague St. explosion in 1850, and the Iroquois theater fire in 1903. The article uses examples that were in the public awareness at the time of the disaster in order to exemplify the many agents pressuring investigators to make a rapid and acceptable decision including the public, the government, and the businesses effected.


  • “incorporating gender-based violence both reveals and furthers the undoing of humanitarianism as we know it, both in its attempts to keep the political on the outside, and in the popular belief that humanitarianism can do the work of politics without its messiness – it is a symptom of its end, or perhaps in a more positive sense, it opens up a space to re-imagine both the humanitarian and the political.”
  • “It seems that humanitarianism, as universalism, both erases and depends on difference; on the one hand, it manages difference, declawing it so that it doesn’t tear apart the humanitarian kit, made to fit and rehabilitate everyone into a basic bare-bones humanity.”
  • “gender-based violence makes it clear that the suffering body – while purportedly universal – requires certain political, historical and cultural attributes to render it visible and worthy of care.”