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It was created to further outline the uses and resposibilities of medicaid, specifically with IMDs. It places more responsibility on the states for middle-aged people in need of this type of care, rather than the federal government. These changes and specifications occurred throughout the 1970's and 80's, when mental health was becoming more of an understood issue, and treatment of those with mental diseases was being improved.


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This health registry relies heavily on collaborations and other organizations. There is actually an entire section of the website dedicated to listing all the organizations that collaborate and work together in order to provide this information for the registry. The registry is a collaborative effort between the US Department of Health and Human Services and NYC. 

There are 3 advisory groups that work with WTC health Registry, they are the Community Advisory Board, the Labor Advisory Board and the Scientific Advisory Board. The following organizations are also listed as organizations that this registry depends on for research, number and data:


  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  • Boston University – School of Public Health
  • City University of New York – Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
  • City University of New York - Hunter College
  • City University of New York - Queens College
  • Columbia University - Mailman School of Public Health
  • Columbia University – Medical Center
  • Columbia University - New York Psychiatric Institute
  • Cornell University
  • Fire Department of New York City (FDNY) - Bureau of Health Services
  • Fordham University
  • HHC WTC Environmental Health Center at Bellevue Hospital Center
  • Hospital for Special Surgery
  • Johns Hopkins University - Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Mount Sinai Medical Center
  • New School University
  • New York City Police Department - Chief Surgeon's Office
  • NYU Medical Center
  • New York State Department of Health
  • Rutgers University
  • San Francisco State University
  • State University of New York – Albany – School of Public Health
  • State University of New York - Stonybrook
  • State University of New York -Stonybrook University Medical Center
  • University of California – San Francisco – School of Medicine
  • University of Greenwich (United Kingdom)
  • Weill Cornell Medicine


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The organization has workers that live in the various communities to increase trust with the native people, and show them that the nurses and midwives are there to help and save lives, not take over. They do home visits since travel is hard in many of the areas, and they do routine check ups to make sure that clean water and living conditions are aiding recovery processes apporopriately.


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The main point of this article was to display the inner workings of Rikers and what it is like within the walls. Factors such as weather conditions, solitary and its effects on mental and physical health, mistreatment, pollution and other environmental aspects, internal dangers and abuse are some of the things discussed and revealed within this article. These overall main points are supported through facts and figures, as well as first hand testimony from those that have spent time at Rikers, recounting their stay there and the conditions in which they lived in. 



There are four regions of microbial threats that the paper focuses on: emerging infectious disease; bioterrorism; life sciences; and food safety.

Huge increases on spending in the US on biodefense from millions to billions of dollars

Very general emergency response plans have weaknesses in that they are so quickly applied to any situation without considering what a specific region needs, has, or lacks.



The article utilizes first hand testimony from those living in new Orleans that lived through the disaster and were evacuated, documenting their hardships faced. The article also cited different government agencies as well as different papers and organizations for statistics on post disaster government funding, emergency response and preparedness.



The real threats of air quality were covered up due to politics and other reasons, wanting to get america back to work. Instead, the reports were edited and people were sent back into the dirty air to clean up the scene or back to office jobs in the area, with contaminated air surrounding everything. Decontanimation efforts did not start until very late in the process. Bush did not wear a mask and the workers were told they didn't need to, so they didn't. As a result, there were severe health problems afterwards.



Women in some countries are much more familiar and used to rape, in fact, they will openly answer questions about it in front of others. There is debate as to whether rape should be treated the same as other humanitarian efforts, or differently, as each way has benefits and drawbacks for the feminist movements and for humanitarian workers. This pushes humanitarianism to a stage with politics, world progress, and other changes. They only meant to help those in need, but by using their work to see where changes can be made, the world will hopefully be a better place.