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Good begins with explaining his own experiences working with patients suffering from epilepsy in Turkey, and his struggle to better understand the history of their illness

He then proceeds to give an in-detail explanation of one such patient, going into the specifics of the lack of clarity, and explaining the cultural connotation of different aspects of the patient-provided story, explaining why they might be muddled or less than accurate.

Next he looks at the work of others in the field, trying to get a better way of assessing the experiences of others and understanding their narrative without knowing everything they know.




Investigation after large-scale national tragedy is often contaminated with the many factors that surround that event. Since the attack on the World Trade Center was so deeply rooted in politics, culture, international relations and emotional connections, the investigation following the attacks failed to result in a dispassionate, scientific verdict. Instead, it became muddled in the many conflicting and intertwining interests that came with the attack. 



This study is published the Environmental Health Perspectives.  The journal helps explain the continuity between human health and the environment.  They publish topics like toxicology, epidemiology, exposure science, and risk assessment.  The publication is ranked highly among professionals and has a rating of 8.44. 



According to the Center, due to a compelx system of policies and practices an epidemic of incarceration has occured that has impacted a large population of the United States, particulary those who struggled with addiction, substance abuse, or mental illness. The public health system, especially in relation to prison, has failed to address these issues properly over the past decades. Due to these systemic issues and their symptoms growing in impact and importance, the Center was created. (They didn't go into specific events or even specific issues, general policy and health problems.)