Andreas_RebmannSubstance abuse post-disaster
Comorbidity of mental disorders
Post-disaster social support systems
Substance abuse post-disaster
Comorbidity of mental disorders
Post-disaster social support systems
This article has been cited in such places as:
"Depression in Japan: Psychiatric cures for a society in distress" - Book
"Societal and ethical issues in human biomonitoring–a view from science studies"
"Informality and survival in Ukraine's nuclear landscape: living with the risks of Chernobyl"
Sonja uses sociocultural studies of risk, organiaation theory, and disaster sociology. of which she cites 8 papers.
One of the ones I could find:…
About Bhopal and what we can learn from disaster reponse.
This book, “Medicine, Rationality and Experience” is an incredibly influential and widely-discussed and cited book.
It was produced and published by WHO, but I don't have an opinion developed enough to learn anything from that. It is a well known name.
The patient was described as emotionally disturbed, and the behavior of spitting at the officers and so on may suggest underlying mental illnesses, a common at risk group for mistreatment.
They have incrediable amounts of research over the course of their history. Within the last year, they published a paper on the care for victims of sexual violence. This article address how they have been handling sexual violence over the past decade as well as the pressure it puts on the orgnaization and its need to continue its aid.
Instances of 'ER Shopping'
Manipulation of medication prices
Funding for EMS agencies
Emergency responders and doctors are portrayed in the film with the upmost dedication, skill, and care for life. They were portrayed as the heroes of this disaster.
Many precautions that were taken to reduce blood lead poisoning in New Jersey over the years. In 1978, lead paint was banned in America, and in 1996 New Jersey required children to be screened for blood lead levels. However, Chris Christie vetoed legislation to remove lead paint from old housing in 2016.