jaostranderThe object of this study was to see if there was an increase in tyroid cancer after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
The object of this study was to see if there was an increase in tyroid cancer after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
I looked further into land fill decomposition and other "islands" that have been made on landfills. I also looked further into the legal history of Riker Island and the typical inmates that are sent to this facility.
This chapter was produce by following the issue of illness of undocumented citizens over the course of several decades, and examining the relationship between how they are treated and social and economic changes. It is linked into changes in policy, memorandums and individual opinions.
"So as Haiti approaches the fifth anniversary of its cholera epidemic later this year, the main hope for eradication rests on political and legal pressure on the U.N. to come up with the money."
"With few exceptions, donor nations and nongovernmental organizations insist on keeping control of their projects, which are set according to their own priorities."
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act ensures public access to emergency medical treatment regardless of the patient's ability or inability to pay for the services. This policy aims to provide immediate medical assisstance to those in need.
The stories had video with both the storytellers and pictures from them. It also includes videos of the storm and it's effects upon the communities.
The aim of this organization is to provide emergency medical care and relief supplies to those who need it. They also work to provide medical care for those trying to escape violence or war.
The arguement is supported through research findings, current facts, and interviews with those in the field.
Mental health and how a community can handle the aftermath with more than physical support.
PTSD and it's effects upon life of an individual.
FEMA Trailers
To make this argument Knowles used various other academic papers, public and private reports from investigations, past and current government policies, and news articles and reports.