Beyond Environmental Injustice Research & Teaching Collective

This reseach and teaching collective supports researchers and educators working against environmental injustice in diverse settings, in diverse ways. It is open to all, including students who
njia.smithAfter the storm, In Newark, people from different communities helped out to rebuild their city and improve it to make sure that the next strom will not do any more damage.
ArielMejiaNJITThis article presents how Newark is taking precautionary measures to help people affected by incoming Hurricane Sandy. The city of Newark opened JFK Center as a shelter with the help of the Amercian Red Cross. The city also advised business and home owners how to prepare for the storm to avoid minimal damage to their properties. This display of precaution demonstrates how Newark is resilient to incoming storms during hurricane seasons.
njia.smithAfter the storm, transportation was little to no opporational when it comes to families trying to get somewhere safe.
njia.smithThe source of resilence was local knowledge and community that wanted to see a difference from companies dumping trash in the water.
njia.smiththe work and many things that aused more clean up after the storm sandy hit newark.
ArielMejiaNJITThis article brings Newark’s water contamination problem up, specifically the amount of lead found in recent studies. Newark’s water was found to have three times the amount of acceptable lead in its tap water, but no specific locations were give as to what places are being affected by this contamination. Newarks Water Department will be required to take actions such as testing public school water supplies, changing lead pipe lines, and maintaining more accurate maintainence schedules and records. By holding people accountable, Newark is changing its vulnerability towards water contamination
njia.smithMaking sure that damaged items from the storm are cut down or demolished just in case. Things from the community can not be all sloved without some help form neighboring communities.