The Red Spot
The 2008 financial crisis was one of the biggest shifts of wealth away from the Black community.
The 2008 financial crisis was one of the biggest shifts of wealth away from the Black community.
It appeared to be mostly a compilation-based study, amassing and comparing previously completed research to reach the conclusion and build the argument in the paper. Primarily, the author cited outside sources for all of the “heavy-lifting” science, and was primarily drawing the over-arching conclusion about the relationship between natural disasters and epidemics.
They used statements and reports from both the ambulance agency and FDNY.
The organization was founded because of the experience of volunteer Red Cross doctors. These doctors wanted to tell others what they had seen and to help bring more aid to those that are suffering.
That companies are destroying what EMS and Fire should be by making it hard financially in many ways to sustain an agency. It is supported with past news articles, events involving the industry and related companies, and personal expereinces through interviews.
The central narrative of the film is the many complications, setbacks, and incrediable challenges that the first responders of 9/11 faced when attempting to medically aid the many victims of the disaster.
UN - potentially caused the cholera outbreak, organized/managing response to the cholera outbreak without acknowledging responsibility for it
Pedro Medrano - UN coordinator for the response in Haiti
USAID - donor of approximately $1.5 billion since earthquake, uses international contractors to rebuild Haiti
Health Ministry - part of the Haitian govt. that manages country health and vaccinations
Ban Ki-moon - won't acknowledge possible UN role in creating cholera outbreak, UN Secretary-General
Haitian Government - currently undergoing disruption due to a change in terms of its Senators and disagreements between parties
It has been cited 5 times, in three papers (The World Trade Center Analyses: Case Study of Ethics, Public Policy and the Engineering Profession; Engineering Risk and Disaster: Disaster-STS and the American History of technology; Making Sense of Disaster) and two books (Expanding the Criminological Imagination: Critical Readings in Crimonology; The Martians Have Landed!: A history of Media-Driven Panics and Hoaxes).
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The articles that I found generally regarded the program as very successful for enacting many real changes in policy regarding prisoners. I didn't find anything negetive.