COVID-19 Rapid Student Interview Project
This project aims to provide an engaging project for post-secondary students (undergraduate and graduate) to gain experience with qualitative research methodology while contributing to public
This project aims to provide an engaging project for post-secondary students (undergraduate and graduate) to gain experience with qualitative research methodology while contributing to public
A brief essay about St. Louis' notorious eminent domain history--
--along with 2 recent St. Louis Post-Dispatch articles about "urban renewal" projects that are scheduled to reoccupy the Mill Flats area, which hosted the most notorious episode of displacement of African-American communities: the Chouteau Greenway project (will it serve or displace low-income St. Louisans?); and SLU's Mill Creek Flats high-rise project, which certainly will, and whose name seems to me an especially tone-deaf if gutsy move...
The study was funded by the CDC (the US gov) and the WHO.
The author us Mirim Ticktin, she is an associate professor of anthropology at Stanford University. Her research focuses on what it means to make poltical claims in the name of a universal humanity. She is professionally situated in respect to emergency response because she researches humanity and how to treat those who experience violence, specifically sexual violence in terms of gender.
The article does not offer solutions on how to address this problem after the inital epidemic, it is instead a collection or statement in addressing what has been happening and leaves the question unanswered and leaves it up to others to find a solution.
The viewpoints of the police, EMS and the corners as well as family members of patients who have died are not included in this film.
The policy addresses vulnerable populations because it does not discriminate. It offers to help anyone in the NYC area that was at the attacks or surrounding them. It does not see ethnicity or economic backround, only to help those in need; both citizens and helping at the twin towers.
The events that motivated their ways of thinking about disaster and health was in 1981 a physician in Boston was called to go to Chilie to investigate the 'disapperance' of three physicians. Johnathan Fine entered the country and met the doctors who were psychologically terrorized. He heard their testimonies and recorded the,. It inspired him to go to Guatemala, Philipines and South Korea to educate about human rights globally. Dr Fine's visit caused the doctors to be released; he decided he wanted to help these people in situations about this full time. In 1986 Robert Laurence, Jean Mayer and Fine created Physicians for Human Rights.
The authors are Vincanne Adams, Taslim Van Hattem and Diana English. Diana English is an assistant professor of gynecologic oncology of Stanford. She is a dedicated researcher and has a passion for international service and mission trips- she is a voice for the poor. Taslim is a director the Louisiana public health institute, she cares about her state’s well being. Adams is a professor of medical anthropology and does extensive research in disaster recover, social theory and sexuality and gender.
This report has travelled because it has been referenced on many government websites, it is used on other websites that talk about Katrina and its effect of healthcare during disasters as well as future preperations. Health officals are mentioned in the article, so I presume that it is cited by other health professionsals somewhere, but no direct reference could be found.