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Participants complete a 30 minute in person or telephone interview. They offer information about their mental health and physical health (the questions they are asked can be found here:….) Information is also gathered about where they were during the attacks, as well as their level of exposure to rubble and smoke etc. After this initial interview, there are waves 2-4 of interviews. These consisted of follow up questions as well as more in depth questions about hospitalization, health conditions, and symptoms. 


Alexi Martin

This study has travelled worldwide. It has been cited in other government websites, in other epilogical studies to support  why diease spreads after flooding. It is used to support preparation for natural disasters. It has been cited by worldwide health officials in their health journals.


Alexi Martin

6. Emergency response is addressed in the article because the article begs for those to help when  the event happened. While fixing the structural areas of the disaster (such as the levee) the lives and culture of the people were more important. There was little to no focus on rehousing those who were displaced.Despite that there was money specifically allocated to helping those rebuild, rehouse and/or move out of New Orleans, very little money was actually seen by those who needed it most. People also waited for days to be saved from their flooded homes. While it may be dangerous it is unethical to leave people for long periods of time. Money needs to be spent on preventing the levee from breaking again.


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The main focus of this article is the unfair treatment and deplorable conditions in which those who are incarcerated at Rikers deal with daily. The article discusses how Rikers is often cast aside, for example the mayor did not develop and evacuation route for Rikers, but the rest of the city got one. There are needs for renovation and money, yet nothing has been done. There have been cases where inmates did not have basic access to medical needs and ended up dying as a truly. There are also cases in which it was documented that inmates developed illnesses while in custody of the jail and medical episodes were triggered by temperature, poor conditions and pollution. This is all discussed and exemplified in the article by way of examples from inmates and what they have dealt with along with documented statistics and facts. 


Alexi Martin

The actors that the article refer to is the healthcare workers, those who have experienced this violence. Those who feel that their perogitive to help others (and to do their jobs) is greater than 'offering themselves up' to the people of these tribes who feel that they are doing more harm then good. Another actor is people from the villages who describe what has happened. The discovery of these murdered healthcare workers and their opinions on the Ebola workers- they do not want them near their tribes at all. Outside worldwide coordinators also comment on the tradegies of the death and the affects it has on the treatment of Ebola. The Red Cross is also an actor, their workers were afraid/chased by locals due to wearing "Ebola gear".


Alexi Martin
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The system provides patient and provider sessions via video call, track daily behavior and improvement, clinical expertise, authorization to see your data, to find providers, credentialed counseling, appointments on the go, session history and patient profiles, full scheduling and provider bio, tracked progress, assessments of mental health, automated payments, systems integration, operational analytics and coordinated care.



This article has been referenced in dozens of other papers on the topic of Katrina recovery and the effects the disaster had on its survivors. One of which is cited below: 

Adams, Vincanne et al. “Aging Disaster: Mortality, Vulnerability, and Long-Term Recovery Among Katrina Survivors.” Medical anthropology 30.3 (2011): 247–270. PMC. Web. 10 Oct. 2016.

There are far more articles that have cited this specific work, many of them having to do with Katrina disaster recovery specifically, as well as preventative measures or vulnerabilities that the area had pre hurricane. It is also important to note that the article is also discussed by numerous governmental agencies as well.