sydne.nanceThe main argument of the article is about how child poverty is induced by several factors. She discusses the risks of child poverty to child development, some of these factors are parental stress, mental and physical illness, child hunger, and low expectations. Lamy addresses how families can overcome poverty struggle.
Kathy.ThompsonThis explains how a bunch of grade school children decided to learn how to prepare for emergency storm situations. The FEMA for kids organization came to First Avenue School in Newark, NJ and put on a presentation how to plan and organize when a disaster stricks. The FEMA organization explained how to keep your pets safe what you need to have availiable for your pet, food, blanket's etc. They also reviewed first aid kits and what to place in the kits, bandages, antibotics, bandaids. etc.
sydne.nanceIn comparison to other counties, Essex county has the largest number of children above the CDC blood lead level, 5% of Essex county children are affected. They surpassed Passaic County's 3.4%. This risk is more prominent in Essex county than any other group in the state.
sydne.nanceThis study addresses vulnerable populations because it explains that high blood levels, which is a sign of poverty, can have an impact on performance in testing. Even though information was not given pertaining to poverty in each subject, these conclusions can be drawn from other studies.
Kathy.ThompsonThe author of this article obviously toured the facility to see the structure of the switch station, the author states that most switch stations are ugly, but when you combine art to the walls it can be quite pleasing to the eye. The author also spoke with the Mayor of the City of Newark to get his take on the development and the purpose.
"The Secret Sauce" "Mayor Ras Baraka jokingly called the art/collaboration joked about Newark’s seemingly forever-ongoing revitalization. Alluding to the process that created the building he stood in front of, Baraka called art and collaboration—between public and private, between community and architect—the “secret sauce” of successful neighborhood revitalization".
stated by David Adjaye “What I’ve learned in architecture and design is that, when the opportunity seems complicated, that’s when your creativity has to rise to that opportunity,” firm principal David Adjaye told the crowd.
The article points out how in need the city was of the switch station, after Super Storm Sandy, many over half of the residents were out of power, this due in large to the poor infrastructure and the way it handled overloads when a diasester hit. The switch station would elimnate all of those issue by upgrading the infrastructure to handle issues in extreme weather conditions.
sydne.nanceThe article finds that because Newark's population is 75% black and Hispanic, the hiring problem has a disproportionate impact on minorities. Blacks and Hispanics are most at risk of this issue.