Robeson banner 1
created by Lena Fortun

Robeson County photo
Disaster Impacted Resident Speaking at a Disaster Justice Tour in front of his new elevated home in Robeson County

Robeson County Disaster Survival
The Robeson County Disaster Survival and Resiliency School: Lessons Across Places
EcoGovLab Robeson County event
The Robeson County Disaster Survival and Resiliency School: Lessons Across Places

Project: Environmental Injustice in Santa Ana, California, USA
This project creates space for collaborative work to characterize and address enviornmental injustice in the City of Santa Ana in Southern California.

Writing an Advocacy Letter example: Fortun, Mike Comment on Santa Ana General Plan
supporting document for the Seeds to Solutions/CCEJP curriculum project
UCI EcoGovLab EnvGov Intern Program: Santa Ana California | 2022-2023

UCI EcoGovLab EnvGov Intern Program: Santa Ana California | 2022-2023
Citizen science and stakeholders involvement
Metztli hernandezAnnotation of
In response to
Epistemic negotiation
Stakeholders (indigenous groups, activist, scientist, scholars, etc)
created by Lena Fortun