South LA community emissions reduction plan
South Los Angeles Community Emissions Reduction Plan; can be useful for pointers when building the AB617 case for Santa Ana
Fieldnote Mar 20 2023 - 6:18am
AB617 meeting
South LA
March 9th 2023
Asking community members about stories in south LA (SLA) and any initiatives they are taking
Air Pollution, human health and environmental injustice
Zotero bibliography: connecting pollution, health, and social Indicators as a measure of environmental injustice
Fieldnote Mar 10 2023 - 2:44pm
Jill started by discussing Environmental injustice
Envt equalities also stem from well-intended advocates in the non-profit sector
EiJ Interview with Naomi Yoder, 2.7.2023
EiJ Interview with Naomi Yoder, 2.7.2023
EiJ Santa Ana Stakeholder Meeting 1.31.23
Meeting notes:
Introductory remarks by Kim Fortun:
Fieldnote Jan 29 2023 - 8:21pm
AQMD Environmental Justice Advisory Group meeting
27th Jan 2023, 12:00 pm, Zoom
ciera.williamsThis policy is specific to the Bethel Township EMS and Fire Department, but other groups on the US have similar policies. Its a bit of a hot topic.
jaostrander“legal protection for sick people was still considerably reduced by a decision of the European court of human rights… a Ugandan woman suffering from an advanced stage of AIDS. The court refused the women’s appeal [to stay in Britain for medical reasons] and authorized her deportation."
“Sometimes the foreigner, too, is no more than his body, but this body is no longer the same: useless to the political economy, it now finds its place in a new moral economy that values suffering over labor and compassion more than rights.”
“The logic of state sovereignty in the control of immigration clearly prevailed over the universality of the principle of the right to life. The compassion protocol had met its limit.”
The literature presented here has tried to focus on impacts of human health owing to air pollution to better measure environmental injustice.