Formosa Plastics and Whitney Plantation: EPA
Essay details the EPA's role in compliance with Formosa's attempt to build the proposed facility. Articles detail community meetings with EPA members, and an EIS investigation of Formosa.
Essay details the EPA's role in compliance with Formosa's attempt to build the proposed facility. Articles detail community meetings with EPA members, and an EIS investigation of Formosa.
This collection offers detailed history and personal accounts of Whitney plantation, giving context to Formosa's attempts to purchase the land as well as providing critical commentary to these atte
This collection of news articles details the fraudulent activity of local officials in connection to Formosa, detailing the trial proceedings and findings.
This selection of news articles tracks criticisms from local residents to the zoning and construction of the proposed Formosa facility.
Notes that St. John Parish Planning and Zoning commissioners voted 6-0 to rezone 1,800 acre site to allow for the construction of Formosa's proposed petrochemical complex.
In the lawsuit brought by Save Our Wetlands, parish officials claimed that economics, not environmental protection, were the main reason they voted to rezone 1,800 acres of land last year.
All nine St. John the Baptist Parish councilmen and the parish president took to the witness stand in Edgard to defend their rezoning decision in the lawsuit brought by Save Our Wetlands.
Notes Save Our Wetlands lawsuit against the parish and the South Louisiana Port Commission. Article lists what the suit asserts.
EPA heard citizens' comments and concerns about Formosa at a public meeting in Edgard, which is the first step in a year-long process on doing an EIS; article notes how site of Whitney Planation wa