California at risk: Vulnerabilities for transgender individuals in Southern California
This project will examine how trans activism in Southern California benefiting certain groups of transgender individuals might create new marginality and vulnerability for other groups of transgend
This is the Abstract of “California at Risk: Vulnerabilities for Transgender Individuals in Southern California."
Vulnerabilities for Transgender Individuals Essay Bibliography
These are the bibliographies of this essay.
Transgender Vulnerabilities
Project Title Slide
Ethnosketch: Historicizing a Project
These are the events of particular importance to this project, from both an etic and emic perspective.
Ethnosketch: Competing Hegemonies
This is a critical analysis of the interacting hegemonies shaping the ground on which this project will be based.
Ethnosketch: Ethnographic Data Types
These are types of data to be collected during this study.
Ethnosketch: Hierarchy of Questions
These are research questions of the study and interview questions to be asked during interviews with professionals.
josh.correiraEmergency response is addressed in this article as mentioned above, stating how it should be the focus of disaster prepardness instead of disaster prevention. Schmid also discusses the important components necessary in an emergency response team including analysis of previous disasters and experience from disaster relief organizations like the UN, and improvisation instead of comparing one disaster to another as no two disasters are identical.
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