California at risk: Vulnerabilities for transgender individuals in Southern California
This project will examine how trans activism in Southern California benefiting certain groups of transgender individuals might create new marginality and vulnerability for other groups of transgend
This is the Abstract of “California at Risk: Vulnerabilities for Transgender Individuals in Southern California."
Vulnerabilities for Transgender Individuals Essay Bibliography
These are the bibliographies of this essay.
Transgender Vulnerabilities
Project Title Slide
Ethnosketch: Historicizing a Project
These are the events of particular importance to this project, from both an etic and emic perspective.
Ethnosketch: Competing Hegemonies
This is a critical analysis of the interacting hegemonies shaping the ground on which this project will be based.
Ethnosketch: Ethnographic Data Types
These are types of data to be collected during this study.
Ethnosketch: Hierarchy of Questions
These are research questions of the study and interview questions to be asked during interviews with professionals.
erin_tuttleThe main argument is supported primarily with a detailed description of the events surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi plant disaster on March 11th, 2011 as an example of the need for a specilized group to respond to nuclear emergencies. Schmid also supports the effectiveness of such a group by tracing the recent shift in opinion away from an accident prevention mindset to the idea that nuclear disasters are a risk in the nuclear industry and therefore plans for the effective response to future nuclear disasters must be made in order to mitigate the damage caused. Several other works addressing similar problems in risk management, such as Risk Society by Ulrich Beck, as also cited to support the main argument.
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