Testproject DM
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seanw146The report details the effects, both long and short term, of the effects of nuclear disasters on the population and environment. The knowledge gained form this report will help prevent or mitigate future disasters like this one if/should they occur.
seanw146Currently the IAEA is dependent on funding from its own member states. This becomes precarious when the organization policing nuclear compliance is also dependent on the same states for funding. (iaea.org)
seanw146Although I had issues finding references to this particular chapter, the larger work that it is a part of (Medicine, Rationality and Experience) is cited by nearly 3,000 other articles according to Google Scholar.
seanw146This study was published by the CDC under “Emerging Infectious Diseases”. Emerging Infectious Diseases, focuses on both identifying these emerging threats and disseminating information to its readers. The CDC earns a high respect from healthcare professionals.
seanw146It matters to public health greatly because without it, hospitals could refuse to provide critical treatment until they were satisfied that the patient could pay, which can result in death from delay or refusal of care.
Photo essay to introduce viewers to Bondo sub-county in Kenya