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This author has cited this paper in his own books, as well as other papers. This article is also cited on numerous World Trade Center websites and other studies on the collapsing of the towers and disasters. This paper is also cited in a lot of online publications involving disasters in urban areas and the WTC specifically. 



The convention can be applying to a State that is possibly involving in nuclear activities or might  have any nuclear effects to the surroundings. Or the state that can notify the accidents that in  the other states.   Due to 22 September 2014, there are 119 parties (states) subject to entry into force with 69  states signed the convention (Convention – Latest Status). 


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The translation for the system is managed by Transifex (not Ushahidi owned) with monthly plans for localised translation. In the case that the user not comfortable with English might be an issue to work with the system. Especially the reporters from the hard-reach areas with fewer educations. (They might deal with the problem of using technologies.)   



According to the publication linked below, funding for this program is provided by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, and the Royal Norwegian Government. The university itself (Tulane) as well as partnering schools will sponsor certain programs or take in donations as well, to provide a trip to Africa etc. to present information or educate those in the area.



Funded by Federal Government. e.g.

“ETA (Employment and Training Administration) invested approximately $13 million to turn Job Corps into a program where students gain industry-recognized credentials to meet the demands of the 21st century employer.” (Educational Program) […]



This article discusses the Chernobyl disaster and the management and cooperation that followed this disaster. Technologies at play, as well as government involvement, scientific knowledge and sociopolitical factors effecting this situation post disaster are also mentioned. The author also extensively reviews Chernobyl through field research based off resettled families and radiation exposed workers. The dependence of health and illness based off economics and politics is also heavily discussed. International scientific cooperation is also discussed in terms of studies done on those exposed after the disaster. 


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Emergency responders are the MSF members in this film, they have to continue serve millions of patients with the lack of medical supplies and the worse medical conditions over the place. They have to deal with the communication difficulties and the uncooperative patients with the lack of understanding to their own health. Furthermore, they have to make decision of which patient gets help and serve. As they concluded in the film with one of the discussion they had, there is no ideal environment (situation) to plan and perform an ideal operation (surgery) in such places (~49:00 – 51:00).