Citizen science and stakeholders involvement
Metztli hernandezCITIZEN SCIENCE
Epistemic negotiation
Stakeholders (indigenous groups, activist, scientist, scholars, etc)
Epistemic negotiation
Stakeholders (indigenous groups, activist, scientist, scholars, etc)
The main argument of the article is legalizing dieased undocumented immigrants the way this should be accomplished and the history of the issue, specifically in France from the past to the present.
8. Three points I looked up to further my understanding was formaldehyde and trailer homes, the effect of flooding on modern societies, the US preparation for future hurricanes in Louisiana.
The functions are technically supported through operational analytics- chemical data points that allow more guidelines and recovery plans to be built, a secure infrastructure that allows easy and secure transfers of information for health records and payments, coordination of care between healthcare providers at a touch of a button.
There was no direct event that lead to the formation of this program, however, the prgram was created in response to the need for safety in nuclear science. The international Atomic Energy Agency saw the need for continuing education and training and created if after a meeting in 2003.
The main findings/arguements presented in this article is the need to stop putting the possibility of a nuclear disaster on the back burner and becoming more well versed in how to handle these accidents and how to prevent them from occuring. This can be accomplished by creating an internation SWAT team that is trained to handle international nuclear diasters.
The object of the study was to determine what cultural competence means across the relationships of patients, clinicians, and administrators. The study was performed to reveal the 'barriers' in patient care becasue of cultural implications. The lack of a patient-physcian relationship due to cultural barriers whether that be race or ethnicity, lack of explanation of a diagnosis or the differences in appraoches to patient care- as percieved by administration, patients and doctors.
More statistics could have been added to enhance the film's educational value and/or a plan of what the company or Japan would do about the future of nuclear power.
"After the first round of punches, the patient was "taken off the strtcher to the ground and was restrained again, patient was thrown by ESU again on to the stretcher."
"The emotionally disturbed patient was punched multiple times in the face by the cops on July 20th"
This article has been discussed by one of the authors, Farmer who has used this article as evidence of the emergent state of Hati and Rwanda in terms of structural violence. This article is published online, so it is a universal resource for people to reference in papers, college courses and the alike.