The difference between the ocean perspective and the land perspective
abuschengWhat do you think is the biggest difference between the ocean perspective and the land perspective?
tamar.rogoszinski- MSF
- Policies about gender based violence
- rape rates aroudn the world
a_chenThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is issuing this alert as part of its ongoing effort to provide information on environmental issues related to biological, chemical, and nuclear terrorist incidents. EPA publishes this alert to gain awareness relate to the possible and environmental concerns.
tamar.rogoszinskiThe most compelling part of the film for me was the woman yelling at the side of the road about a pregnant woman that was sick and left behind by emergency responders that did not have the authority or equipment to handle the ebola patient. The fetus was still alive and moving, however, the ebola team came too late and the baby died along with its mother. This was compelling because it showed her dead on the side of the road and the woman screaming watched it happen. The baby could have been saved, but the understaffed ebola team could not get there in time.