The difference between the ocean perspective and the land perspective
abuschengWhat do you think is the biggest difference between the ocean perspective and the land perspective?
a_chenThe film has not included the patient’s viewpoint or the locals’ viewpoints within this kind of situations. This might due to the communication difficulties with the language. If the audience viewed the content with locals’ viewpoint might benefit from knowing the cultural practices and plan for the future interaction more carefully.
erin_tuttleThis report addresses the long term effects of a nuclear disaster and the potential health risks of radiation. The findings presented in this report are important when considering the long term effects of a disaster and the clean-up aspects of responding to a disaster that may continue for months or even years following the initial event. The Committee’s plan for the 2014-2019 period includes consideration of a network of experts to share information amongst the scientific community as a method of increasing awareness of and preparation for potential nuclear industry disasters.
erin_tuttleThe most persuasive part of the film was when the palliative care doctor discussed the importance of understanding a patients goals. Everyone has different priorities and will make decisions on their treatment based on those priorities. The ideas presented in the film that deal with the point where treatment is no longer the best course of action are more widely accepted now but still challenge doctors whose entire professions focus on saving lives.