Alexi MartinMore statistics could have been added to enhance the film's educational value and/or a plan of what the company or Japan would do about the future of nuclear power.
More statistics could have been added to enhance the film's educational value and/or a plan of what the company or Japan would do about the future of nuclear power.
The article does not have a bibliography listed, however as most of the infromation is first hand accoutns. The taking of these histories must have given the author a new perspective on his profession.
This article has been discussed by one of the authors, Farmer who has used this article as evidence of the emergent state of Hati and Rwanda in terms of structural violence. This article is published online, so it is a universal resource for people to reference in papers, college courses and the alike.
The article's worked cited is extensive, this indicates that the article is highly researched and supported and that the article is valid. The research rticle took time to produce and is an important cornerstone of researching about human rights speficially gender and humantarism
This article has been referred online through different UCLA websites. It is publically available through online databases such as STS.
Three ways the argument is supported is through interviews by those experiencing violence, accoutns from human rights (health) organizations, and statistics from the WHO.
“In 2015, MSF provided humanitarian assistance in 69 countries.
Around 54 per cent of activities were carried out in settings of instability. Some 57 per cent of programs were in Africa…MSF spent 1,283 million euros: 82 per cent was spent on humanitarian activities…” []
2. There is an urgently need of HIV/TB doctors in the field. []
“MSF provided care for 333,900 people living with HIV/AIDS and antiretroviral treatment for 240,100 people in 2015.” With the lack of appropriate medical educations, many people do not know they have infected with HIV. [MSF international_activity_report_2015_en_2nd_ed.pdf]
3. Close of Programs
“When a violent situation has stabilized sufficiently, and access to health services improves, MSF will close its program.”
“When local or national authorities and organizations have the capacity and motivation to restore and develop a medical system that meets the urgent needs of the population, MSF will withdraw.”
“MSF will close a program when a medical emergency ends.”
The data used to produce the claims in the report were investigations of past American disasters and how these shortcomings eventually lead to a failure for those investigating 9/11. Direct quotes and explanation of each of the historical events were also used to support the claims made.
The convention is drafted with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It is adopted by the General Conference at the special session, 24‐26 September 1986.
Language difficulties; Non smart phone users; No internet connection etc.