Ruhr Valley and Delhi. Megacity Air Pollution in Germany and India
With this case, we discuss lessons from air pollution reduction during Coronavirus induced policies in Germany and India.
Let’s review the data on Ruhr valley and Delhi air more critically
This is part of the Environmental Injustice Workshop.
Learning from clean air during covid lockdowns
This is part of the Environmental Injustice Workshop.
EiJ Case Study: Megacity Air, Ruhr Valley & Delhi, India & Germany
Case Study Cover
What are the themes that are discussed with regard to air pollution on social media?
This is part of the Environmental Inequality workshop.
What environmental threats are there in the Ruhr and Delhi air? Let’s get started
This is part of the Environmental Injustice Workshop.
Online Conference, April 2021: COVID-19 As Revelatory Pandemic in Latin America?
Digital collection for onliine conference, "A Revelatory Pandemic?
BarriosR & Garcia-AcostaV COVID-19 as Revelatory Pandemic Conference Program
Conference program:
A Revelatory Pandemic? Disaster Social Science and COVID 19 in Latin America
April 20 and 27, 2021
This is part of the Environmental Inequalities workshop.