The Right to Remain Students
ACLU report on school policing in the state of California
ACLU of Southern California
Website for the Southern California branch of the The American Civil Liberties Union
Million Dollar Hood Project
UCLA research project mapping out LA policing statistics
LA School Police
LA Unified School Police Website
jaostranderThe main argument of this article is that there needs to be more of a focus on emergency response to nuclear disasters and less directed toward nuclear safety and that safety/emergency response should take a higher priority than company trademarks. She claims that nuclear emergency response should be more of an international response and less of a single nation response.
jaostranderThe article establishes background information as to what a "narartive" of an illness is and how patients perceive their illnesses. The article makes use of an example of patients stories who suffer from epilepsy in Ankara and it uses statistics from studies in the Ankara region.
jaostranderThe study used ultrasound to detect if there was cancerous masses in the subjects thyroid. If cancer was detected subjects underwent surgerical treatments.
Million Dollar Hod Project Report on Policing in LA Schools