Austin Rhetoric Field Team

This essay will serve as the workspace for the Austin Anthropocene Campus Rhetoric Field Team.
This essay will serve as the workspace for the Austin Anthropocene Campus Rhetoric Field Team.
The news and social media gave information about the up coming strom, Hurricane Sandy. They wanted to make sure that people who were clos to danger had to move away and find a safe house or shelter.
Putting houses up high and making pits deep enough to slow thw water down not damage the house. Houses on higher ground or built higher can lessen the damage costs and repairs to less money.
NJ Transit as kind enough to stay open for people to be transported safely from danger.
seeing that dump trucks and more are being transferred the newark as a dumping ground. This causes a lot ofharmful chemicals to appear.
After the storm, In Newark, people from different communities helped out to rebuild their city and improve it to make sure that the next strom will not do any more damage.
After the storm, transportation was little to no opporational when it comes to families trying to get somewhere safe.
Ian Ferris describes the methods and focus of the Rhetoric Field Team of the Austin Anthropocene Field Campus.